Strategic Mix

Joint Venture Branding

Cementing Relationships

With competition stiffening and prices low, ready mix giants Lafrage and Essroc elected to join forces to build share and trim costs in the Greater Toronto market.

Passions and allegiances run high in the rough and tumble world of concrete. Our job was to create an identity that would win over groups of men with strong loyalties to their companies and who were naturally suspicious of artsy-fartsy things like branding.

At the same time, we needed an identity that would speak to customers of high quality – and demand of workers the same. And that would definitively set the joint venture apart from well-known and loved competitors.

Brand Edifice
The new brand had to be neutral, favouring neither parent while reflecting their special contributions. What could we build it on? Cutting costs and grabbing market share are strong strategic reasons for a JV, but make an uninspiring foundation for a brand. Each of the partners had innovative products and we used that as a basis for the Innocon name. The tagline, Value at Every Turn, painted on mixer drums, highlighted the need to deliver great products and great service with considerable efficiency.

The strategy demanded that we break the mould with design – making kick-ass trucks that would definitely get noticed and would win over the affections of them men who drive and use them.

Enduring Value
Early in 2009, Innocon set a world record pour for Agila for the North Tower at the Minto Midtown Condo project in Toronto. The teams have come together and are truly delivering “value at every turn.”


Brand Strategy, Naming, Slogan Development, Launch Communications: Harry H. Cornelius, Sideren Inc (Cornelius & Co.)

Design Partner: Gottschalk + Ash International/Anita Zepatelli